Improving Workflow and Administrative Efficiency

印像科技總經理-Tracy Chen
Chief Secretary Du
Nanhua University

Cyberhood speeds up the exchange of our documents, eases our heavy workload

Paperwork is such a giant task for our campus. It was like our staff was racing with time. After we adapted Cyberhood Missive system, paperwork became a click away. It is unthinkable now how we had made it with real paper in the past.

Case Info

Case Media

Solution Cyberhood EIP
Requirements Missive and Workflow
Organization Staff members 340
System structure Basic distributed system
Replacement Paper fax

Such an important pick, a right system

Nanhua University is a general university founded by Venerable Master Hsing Yun fo Fo Guang Shan. The school primarily focuses on general education and the humanistic spirit. It is an important institution in the southern region for national general education, and the school currently has General Education Center and Five Colleges: Management, Humanities, Social sciences, Arts, and Science and Technology. As the school expands, paperwork and workflows become increasingly heavy. After our evaluations with the IT department, we decided to take on Cyberhood systems for it UI friendly environment and scalable and adaptive workflow. It completely meets the Campus need.

Unbelievable easy to install and use Cyberhood

Chief Secretary Du mentioned that with the Missive system, it is unbelievably easy to install and use. "Our staff got onto it right after one session of training." Fast, life saving, and easy tracking. All the paperwork, workflows are searchable.

Saving energy and carbon footprint for us and for the Globe

It's been some time since NU integrated the Cyberhood systems. No doubt, it has improved our administrative work tremendously. We are a paperless campus now, and much less carbon footprint.
lient on File:
Nanhua University is a general university founded by Venerable Master Hsing Yun fo Fo Guang Shanin 1996. As a religious school with a deep humanistic spirit, NU focuses on the enhancement of general education and character development of students. The continued practice of age old academic traditions, such as the “ancient rite of passage” for freshmen each year, renew the school’s humanistic spirit and have been the school’s distinguishing feature since its inception.