L-NET Services

L-NET is a unique internet technology that integrates with multi-point smart delivery mechanism. In collaboration with publishers and educational sectors, L-NET offers "Cloud Converter", "Cloud Bookcase" and "Cloud Bookstore" platforms.

◎Cloud Converter: EcoCat
One unique button to convert your book to ePub that you can read on any devices: mobile phones, tablets, iPad, PC's. You can also link pictures, websites, videos, and even any page on any documents. There's no cost on other converter software. EcoCat is the most convenient eBook publishing services!

  1. Pay as you go, no cost for initial software, either
  2. 1-Click conversion, convenient and fast
  3. Conversion of across platform eBooks that include links, content indices
  4. Automatically sent to the eBookcase after conversion

◎Cloud eBookcase
Cloud eBookcase is the best investment for the training and marketing programs of the enterprise. You only pay a small amount of the cost to enjoy the latest cloud technology bringing you the eBoockcase where thousands of books are all at your fingertips. Upload your purchase of livebooks, convert your own PDF for your publication, and even contact us for a custom made materials for schools or promtions!

◎Cloud eBookstore
In collaboration with major publishers and educational sectors, L-NET offers eBook publishing and delivering. Convert your own books and put them up on the eBookcase. Furthermore, publish them to the eBookstore. These eBooks can also be live with audio and video, and get the name, Live books.

to Cloud eBookstore